Product Support

Wink Universal Ceiling Fan Remote Control
- Gardinier Wink Enabled Ceiling Fan
- Wink Hub / Wink Hub 2
- Apple® smartphones & tablets (tablets use iPhone app) or Android™ device
- Wink app (latest version)
- Phillip Screw Driver, Ladder, Wire Cutters/Strippers
Product FAQ
Do I need a Wink HUB to use this remote?
No, this remote will function without the Wink Hub / Wink Hub 2. You will need the Wink Hub / Wink Hub 2 if you want toaccess all the features of the product, like controlling the fan via the Wink app.
Is there any special wiring necessary?
No, the wire connections are exactly like a standard ceiling fan.
Installation Guide
Using Wink
Add Product
Once your fan is installed, navigate to "Add a Product" in the Wink App. Go to Fans and select your fan.
Follow the instructions to pair your fan