Product Support

- Arlo, Arlo Pro, Arlo Q, or Arlo Q Plus
- Arlo app and account Wink app (latest version) Apple® smartphones & tablets (tablets use iPhone app) or Android™ device
Product FAQ
What features are available for Arlo within the Wink App?
You can get motion alerts to your Wink app from your Arlo Cam as well as share your Arlo Cam with other users that you trust. You can also watch videos that were captured by your Arlo Camera.
Can I view Arlo Camera Motion Alerts in the Wink App?
Yes, you can recieve Motion Alerts for your Arlo Camera in the Wink App.
Can Arlo Camera be integrated into Robots?
Yes! You setup a Robot to activate if the Arlo Camera detects motion or sound (if applicable).
Do my Arlo Account and Wink Account need to share the same email?
No, they do not. You can have two separate email addresses for each service without affecting any functionality.
Can I set up Low Battery Notifications for my Arlo Camera
Yes, you can do so my enabling the Low Battery notification under your Arlo Camera Settings
Using Wink
Sign Up
Open the Wink app on your mobile device and log in with your email address and password. If this is your first time using the Wink app, tap Sign Up to create an account.
Add Product
Tap "Add a Product”, then tap “Cameras”, then tap “Arlo”, "Arlo Q", or "Arlo Q Plus" depending on what camera you are adding. Follow the instructions in the Wink app.
Before you are able to connect your Arlo Camera it must first be installed and registered in the Arlo application. If you have not yet done so, tap “Download Arlo App" in the Wink app and follow the instructions in the Arlo app to register the camera. If you have already registered, tap the "I have an Account" button.
Sign In
Tap the "Sign In" button, then the "Continue" button, and enter your Arlo login credentials. Congratulations, you are now connected to your Arlo Camera!